Der Sammelband von Shuichi Hasegawa und Karen Radner, "The Reach of the Assyrian and Babylonian Empires: Case studies in Eastern and Western Peripheries", ist nun bei Harrassowitz erhältlich.
Shuichi Hasegawa und Karen Radner (Hrsg.), The Reach of the Assyrian and Babylonian Empires: Case studies in Eastern and Western Peripheries (Studia Chaburensia 8), Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2020. ISBN 978-3-447-11477-6. XVIII, 300 Seiten.
Hardcover € 48,00. Zu Bestellen und zum Donwload beim Harrassowitz Verlag.
Der Band enthält eine Auswahl der Beiträge, die für einen internationalen Workshop vorbereitet wurden, der vom 26. bis 27. März 2020 von Shuichi Hasegawa und Karen Radner an der Rikkyō-Universität in Tokio organisiert wurde.
Hartmut Kühne: Preface
Shuichi Hasegawa and Karen Radner: Introduction
Mark Altaweel: The importance of flat archaeological sites in the Age of Empires and new digital methods for their identification and analysis: a case study from the Peshdar Plain in Iraqi Kurdistan
Shuichi Hasegawa: The Southern Levant in the shadow of imperial powers: Tel Rekhesh in the late Iron Age
Shin’ichi Nishiyama: Provincial control in the eastern reaches of the Assyrian Empire: A view from Yasin Tepe, Iraqi Kurdistan
Jamie Novotny: Royal Assyrian building activities in the northwestern provincial center of Harran
Karen Radner, Sheler Amelirad, and Eghbal Azizi: An elite burial in the Assyrian province of Parsua: a new radiocarbon date for the Iron Age cemetery of Sanandaj
Andrea Squitieri: Towards an understanding of the Assyrian Empire’s defence strategies in the east: a case study from the Peshdar Plain (Dinka Settlement Complex and Gawr Miran)
Hidetoshi Tsumoto: Two small settlements in the shadow of the expansion of the Assyrian Empire: Tell Ali al-Hajj and Tell Mastuma in Syria
Yoko Watai: The monuments of the Neo-Babylonian kings as an indication
for their presence in the western territories of their empire
Shigeo Yamada: The conquest and reorganization of the land of Zamua / Mazamua in the Assyrian Empire